Today as the January 6th committee takes a two week break from TV after this last show on Tuesday June 28th, I was surprised to learn that there was news of actual voter fraud this year on June 6th, 2022.
I was alerted to this truly real voter fraud by my step-sister who lives in Pennsylvania.
In the Eastern District of Pennsylvania there really were three people charged with being involved in fraud, bribery, in a conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, obstruction of justice, falsification of voter records and other fraudulent practices on June 6, 2022.
(1) Former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie”Myers was charged with stuffing ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Pennsylvania elections.
(2) Domenick J. Demuro, was in charge of the 39th Ward, 36th Division in Philly. Demuro’s title was Judge of Elections. Ozzie Myers admitted to bribing Dominic Demuro to illegally add fake votes for certain candidates of their party in the primary elections— some of whom were running for judicial appointments. Domenick got between $400 to $5,000 per election when he practiced “ringing up” the fake votes for Myers’ candidates on Election days, and then certified after the Election that the votes he added were accurate.
(3) Marie Beren was the third fraudster that Myers also admitted to conspiring to commit election fraud with. She was a former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 2nd Division in South Philadelphia. On Election days Myers would give Beren instructions over his cellphone about giving votes to his favored candidates while the voting was going on. Beren and her cohorts then would falsify Polling Books and the List of Voters and Party Enrollment for the 39th, careful to make sure their cheating after the elections would be certified and match the books.
I have many things to say about these people – first of all they were in cahoots, and there were only three of them. But secondly, there was a significant amount of money involved and a lot of fake ballots added to vote counts.
These three fraudsters did not operate like those talked about on TV news programs during 2020. The TV news I saw was focused on people who filled out a second ballot of a deceased relative. Or people who offered to help seniors and then filled in their ballots differently than the individual they collected ballots from wished. Or those who singled out the race of voters they wanted block from counting.
But these three real voter fraudulant individuals in Philadelphia started in 2014 and only made it to 2018 using old fashioned methods like those elections where Americans in the last century used only paper and pencil.
For those cynics in this century who think there will be no justice done after the January Sixth Committee finishes its work, please think again. The Pennsylvania State Police, the FBI and the Department of Justice did catch these three individuals. All three of the Philly vote fraudsters entered their guilty pleas in court on June 6, 2022.
The Supreme Court may abuse their power and harken backward to the past today, but we cannot afford to harken backward to the days of the early 20th century when political bosses ruled, and paper ballots carried around in wooden boxes made large amounts of voter fraud easier to do. We need the Federal Government to protect voting in every state and make how they secure elections more transparent. And we need them to do this quickly.
It’s truly shocking that all three of these three trusted people were the top insiders in charge for the voting systems they were supposed to protect in their districts. Clearly every State in the Union needs to upgrade their security before our next elections. The wolves were inside the hen house not the lowly volunteer election officials being pilloried today.
No one who is in charge of the people processing votes should be allowed near a voting machine unless they have a proctor overseeing them file only their own personal votes in that election. That practice should go up to the State’s Secretary of State levels and be verified by our Federal Government officials
And I hope too that the January Sixth Committee will take a look at how these three got away with voter fraud for five years in a row!
Source: The United States Department of Justice Office EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA